Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here’s to the crazy ones

There was a collage with black & white pictures of great people -
— alongside an Apple logo with the words, “Think Different.”
The text accompanying the collage goes as below:
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Apple in this ad has neatly and in a very inspiring way brought out the spirit of the leaders nentioned above. Every one of them were path breaking in their approach and their connect with the people is enormous. A look at the great people in the collage and a walk down the memory lane makes me realize, “Of course, it’s the Crazy ones with a will and courage to change, had changed the course of this world time and again”

Tired by Standing Still

A man gets most tired by standing still and how true this is.  This is applicable to every walk and aspect of our life. We only go places, achieve things and accomplish goals only by keeping moving. This needs one to be out of their comfort zones and to work under their skins.
We should rest our past laurels to rest and stop feeding off them. With fresh energy and outlook, venture out to achieve new things and new success.


Seen the inagural show of Aamir Khan’s ” Satyamevjayate” and I should say that it is outstanding. He has raised the issue of female feticide and brought out glaringly how this henious crime is prevalant in most parts of India. The show is aired from 1100 hrs and as the producers wanted it, it was amazing that we could able to see with full family.
The show had a spirit, I should say, with dark realities hitting our face and the strength and will power of mom’s fighting against it. It made me to think, empathise with the people featured in the show and in the end made me to belive that I should also do something to stop it.
It never went overboard and the show is handled in a sensible way. The show ended with a heart touching song rendition by Swanand Kirkere and Ram Sampath.
To conclude, I can vouch that SatyamevJayate lived up to its billing. The concept is novel and handled well by the Genius Aamir. Well, I wish Aamir a great success with SatyamevJayate.
Watch and enjoy the title song of Satyamevjayathe

Do you have a hobby?

I don’t have a hobby. I do not like that feeling now. A close reflection of my past time shows that my mind is pre occupied with loads and loads of work and only work. I was always concluding that I don’t have any time to pick up anything new other than work.
I intended to pursue some hobbies, tried to learn guitar, keyboard and started morning walk for some time, but nothing evolved to become my interest or a routine which I enjoy and miss it if I am not doing it. When I analyse why I was failing in it, there is a great answer “ I don’t have time”. Blame it on work. Frankly, it appears even my mind was happy with that answer.
In a new environment, my interactions with people showed me how people are pursing hobbies and the activities of their interest so passionately. The characters in Zindagi Na milegi doobara really exist. They are having a rich time other than their routines.
I’ve come across a person who is an avid blogger. My cousin brother, whose interest is Sanskrit and works of kalidaas has gained in-depth knowledge on these two along with astrology, just by pursuing them in spare time. One of my friend’s friend, draws figures of the people not seen by him, out of the images created in his mind based on the information he had heard or known on them. This appeared to be strange but when I was shown one of the pictures drawn by him, it was damn interesting. The passion with which they pursue this is not superficial, but intense.
One of my colleagues pursues along with singing, a hobby of going for long drives in the early mornings between 0200 hrs to 0400 Hrs. He looked to me like a crazy fellow, but he shares that he enjoys it a lot. Another one likes adventure sports with blood pumping and adrenaline flowing. Last month he along with some friends had went for  a 5 minute paragliding after climbing the hill for three hours.  The effort goes to fulfill these hobbies / passions do not come easy, but only with lot of pain and determination.
What does one gain with pursuing hobbies— the answers for this question hit me right in my face. You are living your life to an extent the way you wanted to live. They bring balance and harmony to our life. It can uncover some of the natural talents that one may have with in buried under. Pursuing favorites can also broaden the social network. I had started to write this blog and already made a dozen of new friends.
One important thing which my friend said to me was that he pursues singing as a hobby and that it is helping him to reduce his stress levels. Whenever he is under stress / tension, he shuts him off from the regular chores and starts to sing his favorite tunes.
 Also, pursuing hobbies brings the creator, innovator and the artist in us out. I have decided to pursue a hobby (started with writing) and want to have something other than work in life.
If you are one among the few who are actively pursuing a hobby, you are very lucky and congratulations to you. If you are not the one, spare a thought and start one.
Your views and thoughts are welcome….